Aurpheus draws sometimes~

You want some art from me..? >///< Err well here are the prices... >w>

Closing commissions until end of my break, I don't have any duration in mind for now.

-> French version <-

Commission prices:

- sketches -> 10 euros, negociable.

- High res drawings -> 30 euros.

- profile pic -> 20 euros (more if animated, depends on the nb of frames :/)

(old example sowwy :3)

- illustration -> 40 euros (Regular amount of details compared to my usual stuff)

- comic -> 60 euros per page (For now less than 4 pages)

You must be 18+ to commission me.

Drawings can be nsfw or sfw.
I reserve the right stop working and refund anyone on a pourcentage of the drawing done if I don't wanna finish a piece / don't like it.
Any commission will take time and I'll update people when I've done stuff so be patient.
You won't have the right to use my art for AI art stuff.
Payment upfront via paypal.

If there's questions ask me on Discord / telegram or on my email ! :3